Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The complete and unequivocal failure of climate hypothesis in the spread of cholera

Even though I am not a climate change skeptic, I have reservations on some of the research findings pertaining to the role of climate change in the spread of diseases. Some researchers argue that the global warming is one of the main reasons for the spreading of diseases like cholera or malaria. When cholera outbreak occurred in Haiti in October 2010, researchers were quick to suggest that extreme climatic patterns like La Nina was responsible for the outbreak. However, later research findings proved that climate or environment did not have any role in Haiti.

I feel that scientists and IPCC has to do more in their fight to reverse climate change. However, exaggerating the role of climate in cases like above will only question the validity of science and give plenty of room for skeptics to criticize research on climate change. My aim is to point out certain flaws in current research hypothesis so that necessary corrections can be made. My report can be read at

Monday, December 5, 2011

Senescent bacteria as potential live vaccines

In 2008, I submitted a project to the Round 2 of Grand Challenges Exploration funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This was one of the projects selected by the reviewers amongst 3000 application received by them. However, it failed to obtain funding after the due diligent process, the most probable reason being the lack of affiliation with any research institutes at the time.

In this project, I had made an assumption. i.e. the small colony variants obtained after incubating with sub-inhibitory concentrations of aminoglycosides are senescent bacteria (discussed previously).

The project can be read at https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B0-RiF-cW8KcNGJiOWMxNzUtMzdlYy00MzVlLThiOTUtOGY1Y2RmMWFiZTI4&hl=en_US

Till now, the project has not been tested.